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Unleash Your Inner Wisdom: How to Listen to Your Intuition

Understanding Intuition: What is it and Why Does it Matter?

Intuition is one of those hard-to-define concepts that people love to talk about, but often struggle to fully understand. What exactly is intuition, and why should we care about it?

Intuition is a very real part of how we process information and make decisions. Essentially, intuition is the ability to understand or know something instinctively, without the need for visible proof.

Think about a time when you just had a “gut feeling” about something, even if you couldn’t logically explain why. That’s intuition at work. It’s like your senses guiding your brain to make connections and draw conclusions below the surface of your conscious awareness. It includes sensing the energy of a situation and whether it aligns with the words and actions taking place.

The thing is, intuition matters a lot, especially in today’s fast-paced, information-overloaded world. Our logical, analytical minds can only process so much. A large part of our brain functioning is automatic, our mindsets or habitual thoughts are driving habitual or unseen behavior. Many times the people we are interacting with are acting out one scenario, unaware of their mindsets and hidden intentions. Intuition allows us to tap into a deeper well of knowledge and make quicker, better decisions. It’s a superpower, if you know how to harness it.

So how do you develop your intuition? It’s all about tuning in, slowing down, listening to your inner voice and heeding its guidance. Each time you do, you strengthen your relationship with your intuition.  Practice mindfulness, pay attention to your gut feelings, and don’t be afraid to go with your instincts, even if they don’t always make logical sense. Your intuition just might surprise you!

Intuition in Action: A Real-Life Story of How Listening to Your Gut Changed Lives

When my daughter was 12, she struggled with intense emotions. She would hit herself, scratch her arms, flail, and scream in an attempt to cope. The display was difficult for the entire family, especially when we were riding in the car. When her beloved great-uncle was hospitalized with a life-threatening illness, I asked if she wanted to visit him. She wavered, saying no, then yes, then no again. I encouraged her to listen to her intuition. Reluctantly, she left her friends and joined us.

As we entered the parking structure, we saw paramedics attending to someone. Walking into the hospital, a gurney rushed past us with a bloodied man who had jumped from the structure.

The experience was deeply unsettling. While processing it at home, my daughter explained, “I know I was meant to see that man. He hurt himself intentionally. I’ll never do that to myself again when I’m feeling bad. I’ll handle things better.” It was a profound insight from a 12-year-old, reflecting the wisdom of her intuition we had fostered her to develop since her toddler years.

Developing Your Intuitive Muscle: Practical Tips to Strengthen Your Intuitive Abilities

We all have some level of intuitive ability, but for many of us, it’s like a muscle that’s been neglected. The good news is, just like any other muscle, you can strengthen your intuition through regular practice.

“If something doesn’t feel right, it isn’t”

Here are some practical tips to help you develop your intuitive skills:

1. Start paying attention. Tune in to the subtle cues and gut feelings you experience throughout the day. Don’t just ignore them – take a moment to reflect on what they might be telling you.

2. Practice meditation. By quieting the mind, you open yourself up to receive intuitive insights more clearly. Even just 5-10 minutes a day can make a difference.

3. When you find a window of time or are unsure which direction to take, ask yourself, “What should I do next?” Then, follow the prompt just for fun and remain open-minded. Notice “coincidences” and don’t discount them.

4. Trust your first instinct. When faced with a decision, go with your initial gut reaction before overthinking it. Your intuition is often wiser than your analytical mind.

The more you exercise your intuitive muscle, the stronger and more reliable it will become. Don’t be afraid to get a little woo-woo – your intuition is a powerful tool just waiting to be unleashed.s

When Amid a Messy Part of Life, Reboot: Recommit to Listening to Your Intuition and Working Together

Amid an unexpected turn of events and disbelief in differing realities, I sat down with my intuition and wrote a letter. In doing so, I gleaned more clarity, wisdom, and excitement about the roads ahead. Here’s how the letter went:

Dear Intuition,

I am sorry I didn’t listen to you. I felt your early pangs of “this isn’t right” but didn’t want it to be true, so I pretended it wasn’t and foraged ahead in the same direction, trusting another at the cost of trusting myself and you.

When evidence of unhealthy boundaries appeared a second time, I heard your cry, “What?! This isn’t what we agreed upon!!” and again I blew you off and ignored the situation. “Oh well. It is not a big deal. I can live with it. At least I got most of what I wanted.” I lied to myself.

More little incidences occurred, as did your pings of guidance and my disregard for you. I decided to ignore the situation more often than not until I got myself into a bit of a mess.

I am sorry. Please forgive me. You were right and I was wrong not to listen to you, until finally I did.

Thank you for helping me remember that life is most fulfilling when I am self-aware and I work in collaboration with you. I listen, value and navigate my inner world to a place of clarity and inner strength and then address situations before moving forward in collaboration with others.

Thank you for sticking with me and guiding me through my mess, so I can connect with new ideas, excitement within me and a deeper respect for your partnership in the days ahead.

I look forward to our adventures ahead, continuing to build trust in our collaboration as we go.



Our intuitive wisdom is a powerful tool. It’s the inner voice that guides us, the gut feeling that nudges us in the right direction, the subtle insights that illuminate the path forward. Yet, too often, we ignore this innate wisdom, dismissing it as mere “feelings” or allowing the noise of the external world to drown it out.

But when we learn to truly listen to and trust our intuition, something remarkable happens. Our lives begin to transform in profound ways. Decisions become clearer, opportunities reveal themselves, and we find ourselves navigating life’s challenges with a newfound sense of purpose and clarity. It’s as if our intuition is a compass, steadily pointing us towards our highest good.

The key is to quiet the chatter of the mind, to still the constant need for external validation, and to simply be present with ourselves. In that space, our intuition can speak to us, offering the insights and guidance we need to live a life that is truly aligned with our values and desires.

So, let us embrace our intuitive wisdom, and watch as our lives transform in ways we never could have imagined. The answers we seek are already within us, waiting to be discovered.

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