“Fulfilling success is found throughout the day, when you bring your heart and presence to your tasks.”
A high-achieving client* once told me, “I don’t know what living in your heart means.”
I began to explain that it involves more than just living in your head, thinking about things, and going after them to achieve. It means being present in the activities and enjoying them.
That didn’t seem to resonate so we continued to talk and I listened. She shared a story about teaching new employees who were taking longer than expected, but they were doing a really good job. I pointed out, “That sounds like living in your heart. You were compassionate, patient and appreciative.”
Her energy shifted as she began to see and feel the value of who she was being infused in her actions.
That is living in your heart—intentionally bringing, noticing, and feeling the values of who you are in the things you do, and noticing and appreciating the same in others.
Are you being kind or rushed when you speak? Are you being stressed and worried or confident and determined as you complete your tasks? Once you notice who you are being, check in with yourself. Are you living in alignment with your values? If so, take a moment to appreciate yourself. You’re doing it! This will energize you even more. If you don’t like who you are being, take a few deep breaths and re-intend. “I can do this confidently (or efficiently, kindly, effectively or…)” Settle within yourself and imagine doing so. Then engage again with both head and heart in the game.
Patty Jackson, Founder CIF Coaching
*Client confidentiality allows sharing wisdom and insights without identifying details. This scenario is one I often encounter, and I’m mindful of balancing it to the best of my ability. Coaches learn it as the Do-Be-Do-Be-Do fulfillment model. Sing it! 🙂