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T-mail is Real

T-mail is Real

Do you sometimes find yourself working too hard, and the results don’t happen? There is something way more powerful than your words and actions that are at work, making good things happen. My birthday served up three seemingly magical events to prove this fact.


Thoughts that vibrate within our hearts have a special way of communicating with people, God/The Universe and life itself. I call this communication T-mail, T is short for telepathic. 

My birthday follows the birthday of my twin sons. Sometime before noon yesterday, March 21, my dad called from his trip to the West Coast. I told him about the birthday dinner we had for Kyle and Connor the night before. He replied, “Oh, celebrating their birthdays early?” When I explained the dinner was on time, he asked, “What day is it? My watch said it was March 18th today, but something told me to call you. I am so glad I did!” (I typically talk to my dad around once a month when he is out of town.)

Before dinner, I sent a thank you text to my niece for her singing voicemail and kind message. Her text response: “Thank you for your love message the other day, and for the T-mail I keep receiving all the time!” Not a huge example, but then there is the third.

My daughter drove from Minneapolis to meet us at the lake that night. Arriving just before ten, she grabbed a plate of food and shared. “I had Aunt Alice on my list of people to call on my drive here but I got the call Rachel urge, so I did. As I was talking to her, Alice beeped in and we had a fun three-way conversation. (Rachel, her cousin, lives in Michigan. Alice, her aunt, lives in California. These three do not talk often.)

“Our thoughts are prayers, and we are always praying.” – Lucille K. Olson

What thoughts are you focused on? Are they in line with your heart and what you want for yourself and others? You can’t control other people, but you can control the thoughts you choose to focus on. Aligning your thoughts with your heart and soul’s desires makes you feel good in the moment, and there is more. Kind, empowering thoughts drive constructive conversations and actions.

What are you “saying” to yourself about yourself? What are you “saying” about others? What would you be “saying” if you knew your thoughts were being heard?